Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I read, therefore I am!

You might worship your copy of The Godfather every morning, or perhaps stubbornly believe that Ayn Rand has changed your life. You may think Coelho has a poorer vocabulary than Coolio, or that Douglas Adams should have Hitched a Hike to some remote part of the Galaxy before writing any of his ghastly books.

No matter what you thought, reading a book certainly moved you in some way. And that's all that's needed to be a part of this blog.

Express your views. Help promote the beauty of reading. And get your 15 comments worth of fame!

To join, simply mail arjunkarande [at] gmail.com

Rules and guidelines:

1. Please review in English only. Portugese and Esperanto are strict no-nos.

2. The 'English' in point 1 means proper English. pls don rite lik this cuz itz annoying!

3. Please indicate possible spoilers clearly, prior to writing them.

4. Respect opinions and avoid flaming. We readers should stick together!

In short, be nice!

Happy reviewing!

A good idea, a great introduction and an even better start with kaushik posting his review.

Lets hope all the contributors wake up and remain active enough to get this blog kicking!
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